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Non-communicable diseases investment case in Kyrgyzstan

RHC provides support to the World Health Organization-led United Nations Interagency Task Force on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) and the United Nations Development Programme in developing the NCDs investment case in Kyrgyz Republic.

The investment case will provide a quantification of the social and economic burden attributable to cardio-vascular diseases, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases and cancer, and NCD risk factors, such as tobacco use, unhealthy diets, harmful use of alcohol and physical inactivity on the health sector and the national economy at large, and of the benefits of scaled up intervention. It includes a return on investment (ROI) analysis that compares the current costs of with the estimated health and economic returns that implementing a set of cost-effective interventions would have over a five, ten and twenty-year period.

The investment case will use the WHO-led OneHealth Tool and UNDP’s approach for undertaking institutional context analyses. This will include an assessment of the current national health system, which enables the identification of the most appropriate, feasible mechanisms for scaling-up interventions. The role of non-health sectors in contributing to NCDs agendas will be emphasized throughout the process.

The investment case will serve as an advocacy tool, providing quantified evidence of the long-term health, social and economic benefits of investment.


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